
Chamber Orchestra

Welcome to the site of Erdődy Chamber Orchestra!

Since 1994, our orchestra has aimed to popularize the values of Hungarian music history and present contemporary Hungarian compositions.

Art director: Szefcsik Zsolt


Erdődy Club

If You would like to get newsletters from us, please register to the Erdődy Club.

Additional advantage of the membership is the possibility of ordering discounted tickets to our concerts.


„Petite et accipietis,

Quaerite et invenietis"

„The ensemble plays with immense precision and a great feeling for the music. It sounds as though all of the musicians are very talented."

Fanfare Magazine Dec. 2020 - Karl F. Miller

„Der Orchesterklang ist warm und dynamisch, farblich fein ausdifferenziert, gleichzeitig gut balanciert und doch raumgreifend, von großen Stimmungsspektrum." 03. 2021. - Dr. Jürgen Schaarwächter